Acknowledgements: My works have been supported by:
- 2019-2022, NSFC (China) Grant No. 11871300 (co PI)
- 2019-2021, The Recruitment Program of Global Experts of China
- 2018-2020, NSFC (China) Grant No. 11701314 (PI)
- 2015-2016, NSF (USA) Grant DMS-1515150 (PI)
Papers and preprints
Note: The preprint versions of papers listed below may be slightly different from the published versions.
- Unified quantitative analysis of the Stokes equations in dilute perforated domains via layer potentials. (with C. Prange and Y. Lu). [arXiv:2409.16960], submitted.
- Wave packets propagation in the subwavelength regime near the Dirac point. (with H. Ammari and X. Fu). [arXiv:2409.04097], submitted.
- Quantitative homogenization of state-constraint Hamilton--Jacobi equations on perforated domains and applications. (with Y. Han, H. Mitake and H. V. Tran). [arXiv:2405.01408], submitted.
- Convergence rate and uniform Lipschitz estimate in periodic homogenization of high-contrast elliptic systems. (with X. Fu). [arXiv:2404.11396], submitted.
- On the periodic homogenization of elliptic equations in non-divergence form with large drifts. (with Y. Zhang). [arXiv:2302.01157], Multiscale Modeling & Simulations, 21 (2023), no.4, 1486--1501.
- Uniform convergence for linear elastostatic systems with periodic high contrast inclusions. (with X. Fu). [arXiv:2207.05367], Partial Differ. Equ. Appl., 5 (2024), paper no.2, 39 pages.
- Effective fronts of polygon shapes in two dimensions. (with H. V. Tran and Y. Yu). [arXiv:2112.10747], SIAM J. Math. Anal., 55 (2023), no.6, 6764--6777.
- Convergence rate for the homogenization of stationary diffusions in dilutely perforated domains with reflecting boundaries. [arXiv:2108.08533] Minimax Theory and its Applications, 8 (2023), no.1, 85--108.
- High order homogenized Stokes models capture all three regimes. (with F. Feppon). [HAL-03098222] SIAM J. Math. Anal. 54 (2022), no. 4, 5013--5040.
- Layer potentials for Lamé systems and homogenization of perforated elastic medium with clamped holes. [arXiv:2007.03333], [Journal] Calculus of Variations and PDEs 60 (2021), paper No.2.
- Effective Fronts of Polytope Shapes. (with H. V. Tran and Y. Yu). [arXiv:1909.11067] Minimax Theory and its Applications, 5 (2020), no. 2, 347--360.
- Generalized Ergodic Problems: Existence and Uniqueness Structures of Solutions. (with H. Mitake and H. V. Tran). [arXiv:1902.05034] J. Differential Equations, 268 (2020), no. 6, 2886--2909.
- A unified homogenization approach for the Dirichlet problem in perforated domains. [arXiv:1901.08251], SIAM J. Math. Anal. 52 (2020), no.2, 1192--1220.
- A backscattering model based on corrector theory of homogenization for the random Helmholtz equation. (with O. Pinaud) [arXiv:1805:02822], DCDS-B 24 (2019), no. 10, 5377--5407.
- Stochastic homogenization of viscous superquadratic Hamilton-Jacobi equations in dynamic random environment. (with P. E. Souganidis and H. V. Tran). [arXiv:1606.06409] Research in the Mathematical Sciences (2017), Paper No. 6, 20pp.
- Inverse problems, non-roundedness and flat pieces of the effective burning velocity from an inviscid quadratic Hamilton-Jacobi model. (with H. V. Tran and Y. Yu) [arXiv:1602.04728] Nonlinearity, 30 (2017), no. 5, 1853--1875.
- Homogenization of interfaces moving in spatially random temporally periodic environment. (with P. E. Souganidis and H. V. Tran). [mathscidoc:1806.03001] Preprint (2016)
- Fluctuations in the Homogenization of Semilinear Equations with Random Potentials. (with G. Bal) [arXiv:1509.05321] Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 42 (2016), no.12, pp. 1839--1859.
- Limiting distribution of elliptic homogenization error with periodic diffusion and random potential. [arXiv:1505.02721] Analysis & PDE, 9 (2016), no. 1, pp. 193--228.
- Large time average of reachable sets and Applications to Homogenization of interfaces moving with oscillatory spatio-temporal velocity. (with P. E. Souganidis and H. V. Tran) [arXiv:1408.2013] DCDS-S 11 (2018), no.5, 915--939.
- Homogenization of Randomly Deformed Conductivity Resistant Membranes, [arXiv:1406.0580] Commun. Math. Sci., 14 (2016), no.5, 1237--1268.
- Spectroscopic imaging of a dilute cell suspension. (with H. Ammari, J. Garnier, L. Giovangigli and J.K. Seo), [PDF] J. Math. Pures Appl. , 105 (2016), no.5, 603--661.
- Localization, stability and resolution of topological derivative based imaging functionals in elasticity. (with H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, H. Kang and A. Wahab), [arXiv:1210.6760] SIAM J. Imaging Sci. , 6 (2013), no. 4, 2174-2212.
- Passive array correlation based imaging in weakly random waveguide. (with H. Ammari and J. Garnier), [arXiv:1211.0682] Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 11 (2013), no.2, pp. 656-681.
- Corrector analysis of a heterogeneous multi-scale scheme for elliptic equations with random potential. (with G. Bal), [arXiv:1209.4974] Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), 48 (2014), no. 2, 387-409.
- Radiative transfer and diffusion limits for wave field correlations in locally shifted random media. (with H. Ammari, E. Bossy, J. Garnier and L. Seppecher), [arXiv:1207.1604] , J. Math. Phys. , 54 (2013), 021501.
- Target identification using dictionary matching of Generalized Polarization Tensors. (with
H. Ammari, T. Boulier, J. Garnier, H. Kang and H. Wang),
[arXiv:1204.3035] Found. Comput. Math., 14 (2014), no. 1, 27-62.
- Quantitative thermo-acoustic imaging: an exact
formula. (with H. Ammari, J. Garnier and L. Nguyen),
J. Differential Equations, 254 (2013), No.3, pp. 1375--1395.
- Resolution and stability analysis in
acousto-electric imaging. (with H. Ammari and J. Garnier), [PDF]
Inverse Problems 28 (2012), 084005.
- Corrector theory for elliptic equations with
oscillatory and random potentials with long range
correlations. (with G. Bal, J. Garnier and Y. Gu), [PDF]
Asymptotic Analysis, 77 (2012), No. 3-4, pp. 123-145.
- Corrector theory for MsFEM and HMM in random media.
(with G. Bal), [PDF]
[Journal] Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
9 (2011), pp. 1549-1587.
- Corrector theory for elliptic equations in random
media with singular Green's function (with G. Bal), [PDF]
[Journal] Commun. Math. Sci. 9
(2011), No. 2, pp. 383-411.
- Homogenization and Corrector Theory for Linear
Transport in Random Media (with G. Bal), [PDF] [Journal] Discrete
Contin. Dyn. Syst. 28 (2010), No. 4, 1311-1343.
- Fluctuation theory for radiative transfer in
random media (with G. Bal),
[Journal] Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy &
Radiative Transfer, 112 (2011), No. 4, pp. 660-670.